
The most famous Bod musicians include the snazzy hip-hop artist Snoop Bod, Bod Dylan, Yolanda Bod Cool, B.o.D, Bodzone, Bod Aloud and,of course, Michael Bodlé

For the older Bods there are Bodhoven,Bodzart and Tchaibodsky.

The most downloaded songs on BodTunes are:
1. Calibodnia Gurls - Katy Perry feat. Snoop Bod
2. Bodies - Boddie Williams
3. If I were a Bod - Bodonce

The artist with the most number 1 hits is Michael Bodle

The most subscribed-to BodCasts
1. FriComedy:The Bod Show
2. The Ricky Gervais BodCast(The most popular being...The Ricky Gervais Guide to Bod-Bods and Bod)
3. Bod Gilbert's Best Bits